Pips, Dr. Simcha-Ze’ev

Pips, Dr. Simcha-Ze’ev

Son of Miriam and Joseph was born on the 21st of Tishrei 5714 (22.10.1913) in the city of Lvov, Galicia. He was educated in ultra-Orthodox circles in Vienna, the Zvi Peretz Hayut High School, the Rabbinical Seminary and the University. As a lover of peace, he saw the War of Independence as a war of commandment, to accept the burnt offering. One of his last statements was: “Yes, it is a commandment to fight, but is it a commandment to love war, but I hate it, but what I will do: Our heavenly Father commanded me to take part in it.” On the 18th of Tammuz 5708 (18.7.1948) he fell upon his post at an extreme position in the “Batei Mandelbaum” in Jerusalem. He was buried in Sheikh Bader Aleph. On the 27th of Elul 5710 (27.8.1950) he was transferred to eternal rest in the Sanhedria cemetery in Jerusalem.

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