Pipishik, Yisrael-Zalman

Pipishik, Yisrael-Zalman

Yisrael-Zalman, the only son of Bluma and Litman Pipishik, was born on May 15, 1935 in Jerusalem. When the War of Independence began, he could not enlist because of his young age and he added two years to his age. His Bar Mitzvah celebration was also interrupted by bombardment and everyone went down to the shelter, but he was not afraid. He explained to his parents that the fighters were willingly sacrificing their lives for the homeland. He happily volunteered to distribute the Israeli ID cards to the residents of the neighborhood and demanded that everyone tear up the old English certificate. One day he parted from his parents despite their protests and went on two days of training in the Gadna camp in Givat Ram, but his Lev was too weak to bear the physical efforts that were above his age and strength. Yisrael-Zalman was 13.5 years old when he died, and was buried in Sheikh Bader B. On the 17th of Sivan 5761 (21.6.1951) he was transferred to the military cemetery at Har-Herzl in Jerusalem.

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