Pinto, Meir

Pinto, Meir

Son of Albert and Evon. He was born on Tuesday, September 8, 1956, in Safi, Morocco, and was named after his grandfather, who was a rabbi in the city of Agadir. On June 10, 1961, Meir then five years old, his family immigrated to Israel and settled in Netanya. He studied at the “Shorashim” elementary school and later at the ORT vocational high school, in the field of electrical technology, and received a matriculation certificate in this track. Meir was an outstanding student throughout his elementary school years. When he was 12, he bought himself a guitar and played it for himself. He was also very active in basketball at school and even played one season in Binyamina’s basketball team. Was accepted by the company and acquired good and dedicated friends. In 1974, he was in Kibbutz Gan Shmuel where he met his first girlfriend, Susan Friedman, from Akodur. On May 7, 1974, Meir was drafted into the IDF, completed basic training and was assigned to serve in the Golan Heights, where he served for several months under difficult conditions in Mount Hermon, and in 1975 he completed a course in commanding officers and in January 1976 he completed an officer’s course and was appointed as an anti-aircraft officer in Sinai. During his military service, he called his girlfriend Ziva, who was to set up a family after his discharge from the army, and from the permanent service that he had signed, and to study, after his release, engineering at the Technion in Haifa. On the 30th of Tishrei 5738 (30.9.1977) Meir fell in the line of duty – he was only 21. He was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Netanya, leaving behind his parents and two sisters. And water to the bereaved family-unit commander wrote: “He was one of the best fighters in the unit. He was a wise and wise man, and carried a very heavy burden on his young shoulders. He did his work with great skill, perseverance, and with great will. His way of life, his work and his energy have inspired young people to follow his path. “

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