Pinsker, David

Pinsker, David

Born in Russia. His father immigrated to Israel after the 1905 revolution in Russia and a few years later brought over his three sons and a daughter, who were orphaned from their mother. David was the youngest of them. He joined the Hashomer organization. He worked in various places in Israel and after World War I moved to Galilee and was the guard of Yavne’el. On the 2nd of Cheshvan (2/11/1921), he drove a wagon from Yavne’el to the Kinneret colony with other passengers from Yavne’el. On the way Arab bandits attacked them. They emerged from rock cliffs, and David managed to set up his rifle and continued to drive his wagon, but the bandits shot and killed him. He is buried near the Kinneret. He left behind a father, two brothers and a sister, and his name was immortalized in the books “Menahemiah 60” and “Settlement in the Lower Galilee.”

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