Pinchas, Yigal

Pinchas, Yigal

Yigal, son of Bracha and Shimon, was born in Jerusalem on the 11th of Adar, 1951. When he was two years old, his parents moved to Moshav Nurit in the Afula region, and when he was five years old, Religious “Rambam.” After graduating from elementary school, he decided to help his parents by working in the kibbutz and did not continue his high school studies. In his spare time, he played football or installed electric tools and agricultural tools. He was very fond of them. He sat for hours on end and solved problems – how to build or improve various tools. When he was sixteen, the family returned to Hod Hasharon, where Yigal worked at the Schmitan factory. Hod Hasharon had a good social life and many friends. “I remember how Yigal, when he was twelve years old, knew how to fix agricultural machinery, and succeeded where adults failed, and he had outstanding original ideas for inventions in the field of mechanics. “Not only did he work in our farm, but he always volunteered to help the people of the moshav, when he was very burdened.” “I first met Yigal as a shy, humble young man who was afraid to disturb people, but after a while I discovered how friendly he was and always wanted to help everyone,” says his friend Amnon, referring to Yigal’s family as “a wonderful family.” The same innocence that was so lacking in our fast-paced twentieth century, and so did Yigal, who was always warm and full of willingness to talk to him as a broad-minded guy, never sat idly, was active, or engaged in sports or installing his machines, Who helped the family in their affairs. ” “Yigal was a diligent and faithful worker, and we met frequently in the synagogue,” says his friend Yair, “Yigal kept the mitzvot meticulously, and the Hod Hasharon boys were so popular that it is almost impossible to hold parties and social events without his vital presence.” Yigal was drafted into the IDF in early May 1969 and was assigned to the Armored Corps, where he completed a course in tank artillery and a course in tank fields, at the beginning of May 1972. In the Yom Kippur War, Yigal served as a tank gunner on the southern front and fought against the Egyptians in the battle of containment and in the battles of the breakout, on October 21, 1973. His tank was hit and Yigal fell, and he was brought to eternal rest in the Ramot Hashavim cemetery. Parents, four sisters and three brothers, and was promoted to the rank of First Sergeant in a letter of condolences to the family She wrote to Defense Minister Moshe Dayan: “Yigal was a dedicated soldier and a loyal friend. He was loved by everyone he knew. “The family donated a Torah scroll to a synagogue in Hod Hasharon, and a library was named after him in the local youth club.

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