Pinchas, Mordechai (Ichtung)

Pinchas, Mordechai (Ichtung)

Son of Sarah and Joseph. He was born on the 22nd of Tishrei (22.10.1927) in Tel Aviv. He studied at the Tel-Nordau elementary school and then went to study at the Kiyach School in Neve Tzedek where he completed his elementary studies and received a high school education from the Herzliya Gymnasium where he completed his studies in 1945. He enlisted in the Palmach in August 1945. Mordechai – “Ichtung” by his friends – was attracted to farm life and strove to leave with his company for settlement. “He acted out of faith, without a shadow of doubt about the correctness of the road … He wanted to be a partner in every pioneering act.” He was cheerful, sociable and a favorite of his friends, often singing and playing the harmonica- Mordechai died on 7 Elul, 3 September 1946 at the hospital in Afula, where he was brought to Kibbutz Ginegar, and he was only nineteen years old. He left parents and three sisters. He was buried in the cemetery in the Balfour Forest and a year later his body was transferred to the Nahalat Yitzhak cemetery. On his tombstone, the educator, Yehoshua Meyuhas, wrote: “His strength came up in Ginegar, his hand in the hoe, the best of his days in the homeland he submitted them.” Was immortalized in the Ginnegar Group newsletter.

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