Pinblat, Menachem

Pinblat, Menachem

Menachem, son of Loti and David, was born on April 6, 1954 in Pardes Hannah. He studied at the Alonim Elementary School in Pardes Hannah and continued his high school studies at the regional high school in Pardes Hannah. In the summer of 1970 he passed the matriculation exams. “Nehemi,” as their parents, brother Zacharya and sister Shoshi called their beloved Menachem. Nachmani was dear to all his family and friends because of his integrity, honesty and gentleness. At school he was a diligent student who genuinely aspired to acquire knowledge. At the high school in Pardes Hannah he became very fond of his teachers, who unanimously noted his diligence and perseverance in his studies. He was a sports fan and played volleyball in the Hapoel team in Pardes Hanna. He also took part in the activities of the Gadna and traveled with his friends on trips and trips throughout the country, and he knew hidden paths and hidden hidden corners, he asked for names of plants and wildflowers, and he was tall and Yaffa, Menahem was drafted into the IDF in mid-August 1970 and assigned to the infantry. His brother, Zechariah, said that in the series of tests that preceded his enlistment, Menachem found suitable data for an aviation course. After completing a parachuting course, he was authorized to wear the wings of a parachutist. At the recommendation of his commanders, he was sent to a squad commanders ‘course and graduated with a high grade (85) During his service in the Paratroopers Unit, he was called back to the Air Force, “the commanders asked him to join the pilots’ course, but Nachmani was stubborn in his refusal, After succeeding in all his duties, was sent to the infantry officers course in the winter of 1972. After successfully standing, he was placed in the position of platoon commander at the IDF’s primary recruits base. In August 1973, Nachmani was promoted to lieutenant and began serving in the career army. During his service, he planned his future. He dreamed of a long trip to Europe with his friends, and of studying law at a university in Israel. “I think his intention was to practice law, in partnership with me,” said Zechariah, a lawyer by profession. When Menachem visited his parents’ home during his vacations, he always wanted to hear from his loved ones about everything that had happened during his absence. He did not utter words about himself or boast about his accomplishments. “He referred to the duty of service as something that was taken for granted, and was prepared to contribute his full energy to the glorification of the State of Israel,” his friends said. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Menahem served as a recruits in the center of the country. He debated the need to stay with his apprentices, and his strong desire to contribute his part to the war effort. After hours of hesitation he decided to join his brother’s company, Zechariah. As an excuse for leaving, he left a message in his unit that his brother had been wounded during the fighting and went all day on the Golan Heights paths to find the wounded brother. On the evening of the 21st of Tishrei, Nachmani was able to discover the reserve company that Zechariah served in, and he joined in. Menachem was among the brave fighters who fought for the conquest of Hermon On October 21, 1973, Menachem was hit and killed during the battle for the Hermon At the “Turtle outpost.” He was brought to rest in the cemetery in Pardes Hannah, leaving behind his parents, brother and sister, and in his appreciation to Menahem, his commanders noted that he was an efficient, courageous and dedicated commander.

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