Pikes, Jonathan

Pikes, Jonathan

Yonatan, the eldest son of Arnona and Michael, was born on 9 December 1953. In the outbreak of the Six-Day War, at the age of 14, his father fell in battle over the Abu Tor neighborhood in Jerusalem as battalion commander. Who was a member of the Scouts movement for the Modi’in tribe, the Oded Battalion After the Six-Day War, when wide horizons were opened and new opportunities were created to recognize areas that were He was drafted into the IDF at the beginning of November 1971. As a son of a bereaved family, he could have chosen a non-combat unit to serve in the army, but he volunteered for a pilot course in the Israel Defense Forces The air. After a period of time and after successfully completing a parachuting course, he was transferred to the Armored Corps. He paid for the tank professions and was ordained as a liaison. At the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War, he was with the forces that stopped the Syrian armor. On the 7th of Tishrei 5740 (October 7, 1973) Jonathan fell in battle. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. After his fall, he was promoted to sergeant. His memoirs were published in the “Generation for Generation” booklet published by the World Jewish Bible Society.

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