Pesach, Michoel Menachem
Son of Diana and Gabi. Michaol Menahem was born on the 22nd of Av 5756 (7.8.1996) in Migdal Ha’Emek. The eldest son of his family, the brother of Lior and Eliana. Michoel grew up as a happy and beloved child, surrounded by close and embracing family members, among them his grandmothers and grandfathers: Grandpa Shalom and Svetlana Peschov on his father’s side, Grandparents Nisan and Nina Shamganov on his mother’s side. Michoel was educated in the educational institutions in Migdal Haemek. He did elementary school at Machshava School. Michoel also stood out as a sociable boy, and his family said that he was always surrounded by many friends. His most prominent hobbies were his love of racing cars, as well as playing video games. At the end of his high school studies, at the recommendation of the school’s teachers, and without requiring further tests, Michoel was accepted to the Air Force Engineering Technical School. At the technical school, Michoel chose a track of electrical engineering. Michoel loved the profession he chose, and made sure to spend many hours studying. Many times he would have given up on returning home for the weekend, in order to continue the work on projects he needed during his studies. Michoel dreamed of finishing his studies, getting his engineering diploma and enlisting in the air force. Indeed, two years later he graduated with honors and received the degree of engineering to whom he aspired. At the end of his studies and a month before the induction, Michoel, who from a young age was very fond of racing cars, chose to fly to Barcelona to watch a race. Michoel enlisted in the air force on June 7, 2016. Although he was offered to serve close to the house, he insisted on serving in the position he dreamed of, as a first class technician of the F-16 fighter planes, and arrived at Wing 25 headquarters at the Ramon Air Force base in the Negev, near Mitzpeh Ramon. Michoel fit well into the unit. He loved the job and the friends at the base, and volunteered for the tasks willingly and happily. His family said that he was always the first volunteer to carry out the missions given by the commanders. During the service he advanced to the rank of corporal. “At the end of last week he came home,” said Diana. “He was so happy, he said they were given sweets they received from the Association for the Wellbeing of Israel, and that at the beginning of next week they had a fun day in Yamit 2000. As a mother I told him to watch out for the strong sun. He replied, ‘Mom, do not worry, everything will be all right.'” On Sunday morning, 9.7.2017, Michoel left with his unit for a day of fun at Yamit 2000 water park in Holon. During the course of the activity, Michoel suffered cardiac arrest. The paramedics there tried to save him and he was evacuated in critical condition to Wolfson Hospital, where he died. Michoel fell during his service on the 16th of Tammuz, (9.7.2017). He was twenty years old. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Migdal Haemek. Survived by his parents, brother and sister. After his fall, Michoel was promoted to sergeant. His tombstone reads: “The purity of your love and your modesty will illuminate our paths forever.” Family member Safad: “He was healthy and did not suffer from any illness … Mickey was loved by all, a true friend. His death is a terrible loss to his family and friends. ”