Peru, Nadal

Peru, Nadal

Ben Jamila and Qassem. He was born on 13 February 1961 in the village of Usfiya, a twin brother of Tahrir. Nadal attended elementary school in his village and was very keen on his sharpness and sharpness. He was a nice boy and boy who loved people. His parents’ home was always full of Nadal’s friends, who went out and entered the house. Nadal loved them the way they loved him. He was always willing to help a friend and was always loved by his close and distant friends. After graduating from elementary school, Nadal studied at the high school in the village of Daliyat al-Carmel, where he completed his studies with great success. During his free time he was an active member of the “Noar LaNoar” organization in the village of Usfiya. In May 1980, Nadal joined the IDF and was appointed as an interpreter in the military court in Gaza, where he did his regular service and was asked by his commander to continue his career. Who served as the chief interpreter in the military court, assisted Nadal in the absorption of his young friends, guided them, and arranged for their proper placement in the courtroom, which was an address for judges and military defense attorneys on the one hand and for local citizens on the other, On April 17, 1985, Nadal was asked by one of the officers to accompany him to Si And Nadal, as usual, did not hesitate to join the patrol officer, when a terrorist suddenly appeared in the city and shot Nadal in a shooting range from point to point.Nadal fell wounded and the officer killed the terrorist Nadal was evacuated by helicopter to Beit Hanoun, Who underwent surgery for several hours, during which Nadal lost his consciousness and all the doctors’ efforts to regain consciousness were in vain.At the end of the period of treatment at Soroka Hospital, he was transferred to the “Levinstein” hospital “In Ra’anana, where he was treated for two months as a” plant, “and from there was transferred to Elisha Hospital in Haifa and stayed there for 18 years. From the time he was wounded in Gaza in 1985 until his death on January 26, 2003, Nadal was unconscious and lived as a “plant,” when his mother Jamila and the rest of the family ate him every day. Many members of the army, from school, from the village and beyond visited him during all the years he spent in the hospital until the day he died. Lieutenant Colonel Nadal Pro was buried in the military section of the cemetery in Isfiya with a full military ceremony, and was applauded by officers from the District Coordination and Liaison Office and senior officers of the Paratroopers Brigade, who was forty-two years old at the time of his death. The grief over the death of his son, three brothers – Raja, Yazid and Ziad and five sisters – Zaida, Afaf, and Sila, Tahrir and Amal.

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