Persky, Chaim

Persky, Chaim

Chaim, son of Galia and Shmuel, Persky, was born in 1912 in the city of Volozhin (then part of Russia) and immigrated to Israel on March 30, 1932. Chaim was a member of the Haganah from the time of his arrival in Israel. During the War of Independence he was drafted into the IDF and served in the Carmeli Brigade. The situation was desperate, some of the defenders of the outpost retreated, but the Haganah tradition of not abandoning a position without an order remained until they fell in battle on the 30th of Av, 5708 (September 4, 1948.) He was laid to rest at the cemetery in the village of Ata. He left behind a wife, Chava, and two children.

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