Perry, Ernst

Perry, Ernst

Son of Mania and Louis. He was born on April 10, 1918, in the city of Leeds, England, where he also studied. Ernst belonged to the Jewish-Zionist youth organization in his city, was an athlete who played a lot of football and was a loyal fan of the Leeds United team. When he was 23, he married Neta Maxin, who was a member of the Jewish-Zionist organization. When World War II broke out, the two enlisted in the British army. Neta joined the ranks of A.T.S. and Ernst to an artillery unit and fought for three years on the African and Italian fronts. When the Jewish Fighting Brigade was established, he made great efforts to join her and was not happy until his efforts bore fruit and he wore the brigade sergeant with his Star of David on his uniform. On the 17th of Sivan (29.5.1945), Ernest fell in the line of duty and was put to rest in a British military cemetery in Corianne Ridge, Italy. He left a wife, parents, four brothers and a sister. His name was immortalized in the “Brigade Book”. He was 27 years old when he was killed.

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