Perlmutter, Eliezer

Perlmutter, Eliezer

Eliezer, son of Chaya and Yehuda Perlmutter, was born on April 13, 1915, in the town of Peschadz, Poland. He immigrated to Israel on June 25, 1934, and worked in the kibbutz and quarry in Jerusalem and the surrounding area. When the War of Independence broke out, he came to serve as an armored driver. Eliezer drove the armored cars in the convoys of Jerusalem-Tel Aviv and inside the city. He was lightly wounded during the explosion at the Jewish Agency building and his armored car was set on fire. After the explosion on son of-Yehuda Street he worked 24 hours in rescue and evacuation of the ruins. Eliezer fell at the gate of the ravine when he drove an armored car, completely burnt, in a convoy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem on March 24, 1948 and was buried in Ma’ale Hachamisha. He left behind a wife, Leah, two sons, Yitzhak and Yehuda, and two daughters, Shoshana and Hedva. On the 9th of Cheshvan 5711 (8.11.1951) he was transferred to the eternal military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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