Perkel, Reuven

Perkel, Reuven

Son of Yitzhak. He was born in 1905 in Poland. Upon immigrating to Israel he settled in Herzliya and then moved to Ra’anana, where he established his home. During the bloody riots of 1936-1939, Reuven was sent by the Hagana to work as a driver in the British army, which at the time was active against the Arab gangs. “Reuven was a cheerful, lively and energetic young man, very kind to people, and knew how to walk with people and to like them in his pleasant ways. There was charm on Reuven’s face and his shining eyes reflected his kindness.” During World War II, on 18 Tamuz, July 24, 1940, at the Refinery, he was hit by the bombing of Italian planes and killed. Reuven was laid to rest in Raanana. He left behind a wife, a son and a daughter.

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