Perinti, Levi-Yosef

Perinti, Levi-Yosef

Joseph, son of Rachel and Chaim z “l, was born on August 1, 1944 in Hammamet, Tunisia, and immigrated to Israel with his parents in 1960. He graduated from elementary school, high school, and a vocational school in his hometown. Yosef was a diligent student, excelled in technical subjects and had many talents in technology. He graduated from high school when he was sixteen and was awarded a citation for his achievements in learning French and Arabic. In addition to his achievements in theoretical studies, he succeeded greatly in assisting his father, who was a gun-dealer and opened a workshop that, within a few years, flourished and rescued the family from its economic distress. When Yosef was twelve, he decided to immigrate to Israel, mainly because of hatred and harassment of Jews in his city. He did not hide his longing to immigrate to Israel, and because of this, there were often clashes in the family’s factory. Joseph was cheerful, sociable and sympathetic to his acquaintances, whom they nicknamed “Levi”. At work, he was diligent and responsible. He was a loyal son and devoted to his parents and cared for his large family. After his father’s death, he took upon himself the main burden of supporting the family. At first, he supported the family from his salary as a guard at a watermelon feeld, until he began to engage in plumbing and then made a good living and could help improve the family’s economic situation. Yosef was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in mid-May 1962. After completing basic training, he was transferred to a medium-moving artillery unit and later completed additional training and was given the rank of sergeant, When he was discharged from the IDF, he worked as an independent plumber and saw his work as a blessing. He opened a small workshop near his home, where he also worked in his hobby – building mechanical and electronic installations. During the Yom Kippur War, Yosef participated in battles against the Egyptians on the Sinai front. In a battle that took place on the 13th of Tishrei 5734 (9.10.1973) on the axis of “Spider” his battery was bombarded and he was killed. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Rehovot. He left behind a wife and four children, a mother, brothers and sisters. After his fall, he was promoted to First Sergeant.

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