Peretz, Yosef (“Jojo”)

Peretz, Yosef (“Jojo”)

Son of Salomon and Saul. He was born in 1953 in Casablanca, Morocco, and immigrated to Israel with his parents in 1954. He studied at the Ma’anit school in Ramle. He was loved by all his friends and many friends, who had a good disposition and was acceptable to all who knew him. When Yosef finished elementary school, he went to work and gave all his salary to his mother. He was drafted into the IDF, drafted in early 1971. In the army, he was trained to be a driver and insisted that he be placed in the front lines rather than near the house.Joseph did not have time to serve for a long time on February 10, 1972, Joseph was brought to rest in the cemetery in Ramle, and the commander of the unit wrote a letter of condolence to the bereaved family: “Although Yosef was a new soldier in the unit (only four months), he was well integrated and well executed. Showed willingness and volunteering in the performance of his works. “

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