Peretz, Vered

Peretz, Vered

Vered bat Alice and Yitzchok. Born on the 4th of Nissan, March 17, 1964 in Haifa, sister to Kalanit and Ezer. In August 1983, Vered enlisted in the IDF. At the end of 1984, she became an officer, and in the following years she was assigned to a training officer in various battalions and was for a time deputy commander of a battalion. In 1992 and 1993, she studied for a BA in Be’er Sheva, specializing in management and human resources. After completing her studies she served in the IDF Safety Department and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel. In 1997, she studied for a master’s degree in business administration and when she returned to service, was appointed head of the audit branch in the Command and Management Division of the headquarters The field corps. Commander Brig. Gen. Zion, spoke of her service: “Professionalism and absolute devotion to her functions at the IDF characterized Vered. She excelled in everything she did, she received the esteem and appreciation of her commanders, colleagues and staff. ” On the 4th of Sivan, Wednesday, May 27, 1998, Vered fell in her role at age thirty-four. She was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa. Survived by her parents, sister and brother.

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