Pereg, Shlomo (Shalom)

Pereg, Shlomo (Shalom)

Sarah and Morris’s eldest son. He was born on July 13, 1960 in Kiryat Gat. Brother to Malka, Rosie, Elijah, Jacob, Abram and Etti. He began his studies at an elementary school in Kiryat Gat, went on to the Rogozin High School in the city and from there moved to the Air Force Technical School in Haifa. In his youth he was a member of the Scouts movement. At the end of October 1977, Shlomo joined the Air Force and served in the Fugot squadron. In the fall of 1980 he began his army career. In the spring of that year he met Miri, the choice of his Lev. The two married on August 9, 1983 and established their home in Be’er Sheva. Their eldest daughter, Kinneret, was born on August 12, 1984. Their son Guy was born on 20 November 1985 and the youngest child was born on January 19, 1997. In 1988, Shlomo completed an officer course. His first job as an officer was carried out in Squadron 119 at the base of Tel Nof, where the family moved. Two years later, when he finished his job, he moved with his family to the Naval Air Force base in Nevatim where he served in the 116th Squadron as a maintenance officer. Afterward, Shlomo went on to study at the PUP (Command and Staff) College, and at the Son of-Gurion University of the Negev, where he lived in Rosh Ha’ayin, where he continued his service as an officer in the 140th Squadron in Mitzpeh Ramon. , And for the next five years, Shlomo served as a maintenance officer: “I finish a period of just over five years. A long period of great work in many fields of various fields, the first of which is dealing with the first division and leading a difficult and demanding system dealing with a wide range of issues. A heavy and busy garage, rescue teams day and night, Shabbat and holidays, a light but large and heavy squadron and an important UAV, achieved by the professionalism of wonderful people and commanders, quality people whose main business is their loyal work. The first division in the quality of service in the past five years, Gaf has been outstanding for several years, leading in the transfer of the hawk, and in short, professionalism and amazing final results, such as manpower, reserves, optimization proposals, layouts, aircraft projects and wings. If he had a significant and important share, the highlight of my last occupation, My success in the past three years has been the transformation of the “hawk” and the absorption of the “storm.” Success means a personal and individual project of great importance, deep recognition and involvement in every field up to the level of the screw, I am proud of all that I have done and of the great seal that I have invested in many areas, out of a sense of mission, responsibility and great love … “In his role The latter and the unique served as a project officer (CAPT-KLA – absorption and deployment). At the same time, he completed a master’s degree in public policy administration at Son of Gurion University in the Negev. Shlomo was a military man who loved the work and the people he worked with and performed all his duties with great responsibility and dedication. He loved to read and read many books dealing with the history of the Jewish people and wars. The last book he began to read and did not finish was Rabbi Israel Lau’s book, “Do not send your hand to the boy.” Shlomo was deeply impressed by the book and expressed his appreciation for the strength and strength demonstrated by Holocaust survivors. He read the book following his departure, in December 2005, with a delegation of “witnesses in uniform” on a tour of Poland. The strong experience left its mark on him, and he wrote in his return: “sanity, yes, return to sanity, our land, our smells, people, family and friendsWho ask the most banal question of all – ‘how was it’? Indeed, when you return from such a journey, it is a very banal question and me, it is even a little embarrassing. After all, someone who had not been there thought he could be there in the distant, cold, gray Poland, a piece of dirt so damned? A cursed place where people walk about so scorched earth soaked in the blood and ashes of so many? No. It is inconceivable, incomprehensible, unacceptable to reasonable and healthy people. Those who thought, planned, wrote and executed were indeed such or were they insane? I do not understand, I am confused, even after a few days of returning to sanity, to our land, to our smells, to our people, which could be a greater longing than that? And again the endless thoughts arise – why did this happen? Why did not they do something? Like sheep to slaughter our people? And what about all those heroic stories like Mordechai Anielewicz and his friends and many others in all kinds of places? And those partisans? And members of the Yishuv who enlist in other armies and armies with the clear aim of stopping this terrible Nazi killing machine? The questions, the pictures, the sights, the face of the people, the earth, the mountain of ashes, Maidanek, the death pits, Auschwitz, synagogues, Jewish community, youth delegations, army delegations, ceremonies, flags and Torah scrolls. More. A strong people, youth education and a strong army are our national strength for our continued existence as a Jewish people and free in our country for ever and ever. “Major Shlomo Pereg fell during his duty on September 20, 2006. That morning, A vehicle driven by a Bedouin boy without a license, bypassed his vehicle at a speed of 158 kilometers per hour and hit him head-on, killing him at the age of forty-six, he was laid to rest in the Ashdod military cemetery, and left a wife, two daughters, Brothers. “His wife told him,” You are the force that everyone is drawn to and from you you receive the power of power. I will be for the children we raised so much love. Keep us from above and I have no doubt that you are with us at any moment, dividing yourself in all channels. … look around you, circle above us like a bird bird and look at one … one … one … one … we are all here to express our love to you … … rest your soul. “Adi, the youngest of his children, “My father, I have known you for nine and a half years, and from the moment I was born I was told that I bring light and happiness to the house, but I brought all these things to you and my mother. You were always a loving father, caring, thoughtful, contributing, warm, radiant, Simcha, respectful father, and even in the most difficult moments, there was always a drop of joy and light in you. I’ll miss you terribly and love you, and I’ll always remember you! “His commander, Avishai, told him:” … Shlomo dealt with knowing and controlling the details. … When I suggested that he change his position and accept a complex project he agreed happily. He learned everything! New topics, coordination, work meetings and discussions. Disputes about location, safety, work rate and schedules, permits, electricity, concrete, furniture, budgets, trucks, air conditioning, grass, flooring, everything … !!! But more than the knowledge he had acquired, everyone had conquered the whole human being. The one who was always there, ready to listen to any request, ready for any meeting. The one that could break tensions through a smile, a suitable compromise, persuasion. He conquered Israeli contractors and their American colleagues, staff members and representatives of the Jewish National Fund. When he was there, it was clear that everything would work out. And he was there-everywhere. He walked around the new buildings like a groom, stood on the rooftops with the yellow helmet like a proud father, tended the lawn in the park as if it were the lawn next to his private home. … and when we inaugurated the sports hall, and the park – Shlomo stoodHe is on his side, modest as usual, smiling-shining with happiness. He had no free time. He was running around all the time. In the evenings, he learned, learned, took care of the family. Shlomo was a model householder. He loved the family. Shouted in front of everyone, he spoke of his children with a gleam in their eyes. On each and every one of them. … Professional, advanced and advanced, educated, open, smiling with a broad Lev. Always wants. Love to do. Full of energies. … Complete. You left early, very early, too early. … Be peace, Shlomo Pekudei. My friend. “The commander of the air force, Major General Eliezer Shkedi, wrote to Raya:” Shlomo served for about 10 years in Mitzpeh Ramon. During his last job, he oversaw various projects and served as a quality knowledge center for the rest of the wing. Shlomo was characterized by his devotion to the job, his professionalism in every field and his love for his family. Shlomo was an exemplary family man, with a broad Lev, ready for every task. His death is a great loss to you, the Ramon camp and the entire air force. “In memory of Shlomo, his daughter Kinneret set up an internet site: http: //shlomo-pereg.ad-olam.co.il The site contains pictures, lists written by Shlomo, A year after his death, his daughter Kinneret wrote: “Exactly a year passed … … I remember that day in great detail, how can one forget such a day … I returned from my trip, the good period In my life, in the days of bereavement, sadness, anger and disappointment from the world … … Father, I think every day what life would look like. If you were here with us, where would each of us be today? … I have no doubt that the family unit is the most important thing that our son has planted. It is only thanks to love, respect and concern for one another that we continue our routine and life almost as usual with much pain and longing. “His son Guy eulogized him:” Dear father! What else can I say, a real father, good and talented. You worried, you gave everything of yourself, you did not care about anything other than give yourself and as much as possible. You always gave yourself all to the brothers, in every trouble they would get into, and three sisters you called souls, a blessing that all the girls would be. You have always united the family, family gatherings on holidays are a procedure that every holiday must take place. You loved our grandmother, you gave her more than you could. And Grandpa worried, you organized surgery, he suffered for three years, and in one letter you organized everything. Daddy Every time you kissed me in front of people you would ask if I was ashamed of you? So here’s the answer: “I’m ashamed that I’m not as good as you are, that I’m not as talented as you are, that I’m not as warm and loving as you were, one thing I promise you is to leave a good and strong family that will always go on your way. And the eldest daughter is helping, “Exact copy of Daddy,” says my mother, a big, smart and amazing girl, “My life,” so you called her. engorged.” “Once upon a time, I had a light / But now I see everything black / We’re in the market We’re in shock, We still do not digest / That we will never see you forever / And what remains is memories and looks / And everything looks like it’s a nightmare client / And I want to wake up and ask what happened / Where are you my brother / And find out that you are not next to me / Such a disaster / a lot of pain, a lot of tears, a lot of grief / that do not reach anyone / who should live with such fear. ” Nurse Malka wrote: “In the fall of a tree he stands alone in the wind / he does not have a hot moment and he does not have a shadow. Sometimes he also wants to feel safe /And we have the strength / we think we can / see the pain and look him in the eyes / cling to life strong, do not give up / believe with all the Lev that will be better / and that despite everything we will overcome / Gd sees everything watching over / If sometimes it hurts you have to go on / nothing is for the best / sometimes time examines us / puts obstacles at our feet / even we have our strengths / we think we can. “Shlomo’s brother Eliyahu wrote:” I am still waiting and searching for memories Many have passed and you can not change / only in sparkling thoughts Your picture / and in my imagination I am near you / The power to survive and persevere / Stay and hope In the future, you will be drawn from the feeling and the true truth / That it is you who will remain with me / Because only you bear my expectations / And with your help I will fulfill all my wishes / And there is no power I will escape / And your hope and I will not forget / “When I think about you, Shlomo, a lot of memories come up … Shlomo, who is running around among the planes, always tense and alert, Shlomo in the airplane garage, involved in the work, Shlomo felt Shlomo, who is so challenged by the development and construction of such central and unique sites in the unit, radiates joy over all the progress and development Father is so dedicated and cares for his children, melts me. … I do not know where you are but I am sure that you are doing as well there as you know … May your memory be blessed. “The Elia family wrote:” Forty-six years of Doron and a gift. There is nothing left for you to do, and for a split second you are a captive of magic / an officer and a gentleman, just a legend, a tree that grew to glory, and so on the moment the soldiers who were protected by the shadow of the commander who was a legend at his age … In one moment he is gone, he is dead and buried / and he left us in the wilderness in the desert / the sun has radiated from her holiness / and gathered him today into her lap / the man and the man / accepted by everyone / and suddenly you are not … Wroth. “My friend, Shlomo, always sat in the first row on the right in his classes, listened in all seriousness to what was said, and always added a personal touch to the lecturer’s words. He never satisfied himself with partial or evasive answers, nor did he give himself up until the professor’s opinion came to an end, whether at last he accepted what was said or remained with a different opinion. Always, with a Lev and paternal smile, he offered his help to every needy person, and quite a few of us went through courses in his favor. … He gave each person a special feeling, was genuinely interested in his life, and if asked, he was wise enough to share his personal advice or personal experience. … Unlike many military men, Shlomo hardly mentioned his work or accomplishments. … His modesty was part of his identity, and certainly part of the charm that prevailed around him. … He demanded the maximum in all fields, and he seemed to have succeeded in doing so. For us younger students, he served as a model for the good of the country and of man. His dedication to the people and to the state, together with the ability to fulfill personal dreams and enjoy the simple things in life, gave us a special inspiration simply to be better. “A month later, In the park Shlama contributed greatly to its development and turning it into a green park, during which an olive tree was planted in its memory, a rock was placed with a verse from the Psalms: “Va’unu’im inherited a land”.”Rogozin” in Kiryat Gat, where a memorial corner was dedicated in his name. Many of his friends, neighbors, family members and loved ones have laid the foundations for his character and his high quality personality. Of blessed memory

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