Perach, Ephraim

Perach, Ephraim

Efraim, son of Hedva and Pinchas, was born on May 15, 1952, in the village of Kadima, At the beginning of November 1970, he was assigned to the Armored Corps. “From the time he became a soldier, he stuck with his whole Lev to the tasks he was assigned, observed a simple commandment and acted impeccably,” his commanders testified. Ephraim graduated with honors (95) in his tank training course, and at the recommendation of his commanders, he was sent to a course for tank commanders. Ephraim served as a tank commander and spent three days bravely fighting with the Egyptian forces On October 9, 1973, his tank was hit from the south East of the city of Ismailia During a bloody battle, Efraim was seriously wounded and remained alive on the battlefield, not far from the tank he commanded.. His family searched for him in all the hospitals throughout the country, sought to trace his heels in the various IDF camps, and all their efforts were unsuccessful. Their only hope, that he had been captured, was also disappointed with the return of the last of the Egyptian captives. For a long time he was missing. When they did not discover his body, the family was offered a memorial plaque at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl, as if its burial place was unknown. Only after more nights and days of tears and suffering was his body discovered and brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl. Survived by a wife, parents, brother and sister. After his fall, he was promoted to the rank of sergeant. Pinchas Perach, Efraim’s father, published a book of poems in memory of his son who fell in battle.

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