Penry, Meir
Son of Marcel and Naji. He was born on May 5, 1940 in Baghdad, Iraq. Was a member of a middle-class family and his father had a wide education in various fields. The father had great respect for his son Meir and therefore cultivated and aspired to his intellectual advancement. Meir attended the Adam Adal elementary school in Baghdad and graduated with honors. He then studied in high school and continued his studies at the University of Baghdad in the field of mechanical engineering. He completed his studies, won the title of engineer and worked in his field of expertise. In his youth, he was active in sports, such as weightlifting and javelin throwing. Meir immigrated to Israel in 1963. After immigrating to Israel he worked for the Electric Company as a shift engineer. In 1968 he traveled to England, where he lived until 1973, when he returned to Israel and married a second wife in 1974. Meir had a developed technical sense and knew how to repair electrical appliances. He liked cars. He was trained in mechanical engineering, but he was also familiar with electrical and electronic engineering. He was intelligent and sensitive, and had musical tendencies. He loved to sing and play, and he was good at spouting more and a violin. He loved jazz, blues and classical Arabic music. He liked to entertain his friends and used to joke with them. Meir was the focus of attention everywhere. He was an authoritative and charming man. He served in the Home Front Command. Meir was killed during his service on March 27, 1988 and was brought to eternal rest in the Kiryat Shaul military cemetery, leaving behind a wife, four children, a mother and eleven brothers and sisters. , His diligence and order, and his great contribution to the unit.