Peled (Stankover), Ze’ev (“Zeevi”)

Peled (Stankover), Ze’ev (“Zeevi”)

Son of Leon and Regina. He was born on the 5th of Sivan 5701 in the city of Czernowitz in Romania in June 1941. In 1951, his family immigrated to Israel and settled in Nes Ziona He graduated from the elementary school where he studied at the elementary school there, and excelled in his studies to the point that he skipped a class (seventh grade) and completed his elementary studies at the ORT school in Rehovot in the field of retouching, where he excelled in his studies, He belonged to the Hanoar Haoved movement and was quiet, humble, smiling and kind, always aspiring to be a pilot, and when he was drafted into the IDF in August 1960, . After his regular service he remained in the permanent army and reached the rank of lieutenant. He began a pilot course and then took an air-to-air course. His talents and qualities ensured him a bright future. On Lag BaOmer (18 Iyar) 5724 (30.4.1964) he fell while fulfilling his duties and was brought to rest in the cemetery in Nes Ziona.

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