Peled, Moshe

Peled, Moshe

The eldest son of Tamar and Joseph. Was born on August 3, 1981. In the moshav of Petachia, a brother of Matilda, when he was one and three months old, the family moved to Rehovot, where Moshe grew up and was educated.Koko, Noam “in Rehovot. He studied for four and a half years at the” Yeshiva of the South “and successfully completed his studies at the” Emit “comprehensive religious high school in Rehovot. He was a member of the Bnei Akiva youth movement and later became a counselor. Coco was a warm and loving family member. His mother says: “I always had a special relationship with Koko, and I always knew how to explain what was hurting him, how it hurt … just as if I felt it myself … When I was in a second pregnancy and he did not know about it at the age of five, Came to my bed one morning and said: ‘Mom, I feel there’s something in you that is part of me …’ ” “Koko was a man who never stopped laughing and laughing, a man full of joie de vivre and love of life,” the friends say. He loved painting very much and left many pictures hanging in the house. He had other hobbies, such as disassembling and reassembling various objects, but above all his friends, whom he nurtured and cultivated most of his time with. From his childhood, Koko dreamed of becoming a combat soldier, but when he learned that he was destined for armor, he was not alarmed, and like a skilled military man, he made “observations,” collected intelligence material, analyzed things, At the end of November 1999, and began armored training in the Armored Corps School. At the end of basic training, he was assigned to the 53rd Battalion in the 188th Brigade, which had the tank he wanted to serve: Merkava Mark 3. Coco soon fell in love with the corps and the unit. Zvi relates: “In the professions, as expected, he was assigned to be a liaison officer, and everyone at Bessal had seen the special personality of one of the company’s leading soldiers. In the Tzemach company in the Golan Heights, Moshe was chosen to be the advocate of the veteran platoon commander in the company, and it was clear to everyone that he was one of the leading carriers, both professionally and socially. At the end of the battle was the commander’s recommendation that Moshe go to strengthen himself a little more in an operational company, and with all the disappointment (in spite of all the disappointment) After all, everyone knew that Moshe’s dream from the beginning of the service was to be a tank commander.) Moshe quickly realized how an operational company was working and where each of the company, the staff and the veterans had a quick understanding of who they were dealing with, Also of them being evaluated for carrying out responsible tasks. ” “Moshe was ‘poisoned’ and loved the army very much, he was very happy and happy in this framework, he was an encyclopedia walking on military matters and he was grinding himself in the army all the time – on Saturdays and holidays. . ” After eight months in Company C, Moshe was offered a tank commanders course. Koko did not think twice, and without cuddling the sergeant and the old ones he received, he went on a course to “complete my mission and my dream in the army,” as he put it. At the end of the course he was sent back to the Golan Heights, determined to return to the company he loved and serve with all his friends. Even though this was not acceptable, the battalion commander responded to his wishes and brought Moshe back to his company, and Moshe received under his command the company commander’s team and everyone was sure that he would do his job in the best possible way. As commander, Moshe made a line at Ramim Ridge, followed by a short training session in the Golan Heights, and then went down to the Netzarim line. On his last vacation home, Koko went to a memorial service for Major Yirmi Cohen, his company commander who fell in the helicopter disaster, but decided to return to the army the night before he returned to the armyWith others who had to go on holiday. On February 14, 2002, Moshe was killed in an IDF operation near Netzarim, and on that same day at 19:45 an explosive device was detonated and a fire was fired at a convoy leaving Netzarim at the Karni crossing. The first of the tanks that carried out the searches in the orchards area was loaded with an explosive device, and Moshe was killed as a result of the explosion, with the first sergeant, Zagury and First Sergeant Ron Lavie, and the brigade commander summarized the incident: “The tank crew under the command of Sergeant Moshe Peled worked with devotion, striving for contact, and paid for it in his life. “Koko was twenty years old when he fell, and he was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Rehovot. Parents and sister In a condolence letter to the bereaved family, the unit’s commander, Lt. Col. Shmulik Olansky, wrote: “… Moshe was gifted with self-discipline and high motivation. He was a diligent and devoted commander, who was willing to learn and improve with the aim of reaching the highest level as a tank commander, and he had recently developed and matured, both as a man and as a commander, and was always willing to carry out any task assigned to him. On that damn night, when he courageously led his team in pursuit of contact with the enemy, in order to protect the lives of civilians, Moshe stormed heroically into the dark orange orchard. “In April 2002, two months after the fall of Koko, his company from the GOC Northern Command, Gabi Ashkenazi, received a commendation for” “For the past six months, the company fought in the Netzarim area and hit many terrorist cells, and as part of its operational activities, it took part in initiated operations,” said the commander of the Northern Command, “for determination and professional and operational capabilities, striving for contact and fighting under fire. And injured some 30 terrorists, despite the fact that they sustained severe injuries and casualties during the course of their operations Beats the company carry out its task with devotion while ensuring operational qualities, an adequate level of routine operations, drawing conclusions and lifelong learning. Many activities contributed to the company inhabitants of the region and the security of the State of Israel. ” Moshe’s friend, Yair Mandelowitz, prepared at the end of the officers’ course a final thesis bearing Koko’s name. The work describes his life story, brings the full story of his life, and brings the words of family and friends. Yair wrote: “When the sun goes and the thoughts come / again, the same pictures come back to me and you laugh and enjoy / And around you always a lot of friends / I want some quiet to whisper / But there is no quiet in my head / To say only one thing that will get off my pain / “Sister Matilda wrote:” Death of heroes martyrdom martyrdom / devotion You discovered / you were a little brother at first / you always wanted a little sister / and after six years I was born to you / and here the table turned / because your little sister asks you / Coco / Loving and devoted / we were different but we were loving brothers / left me alone in battle / to be an only child in the family / Thursday Bloody Day / Taken brother bone meat / We are not believers / The pain is terrible and the sorrow is terrible / But I promise / I will try to contain / to be above You are good / And you are Koko / Take care of us that it will be good down … ” . Adi wrote: “… life will never be the same again / the food in our mouth will no longer taste / we will no longer laugh at your misbehavior from which we so enjoyed / Without you there will be no more laughter in our lives /But in the end we will understand that it is you and no one else / as long as we want, we can not return you, but we will always be with you. ” Moshe loved the country and its landscapes. Moshe loved his parents, his sister and friends at home and in the army. Moshe is meticulous in fulfilling tasks and has an occupying smile. In his actions and behavior – commanded us life. “The members wrote:” It has been a month without you, and it looks like eternity. “We promise we will never forget Koko, we will not stop thinking about him, Koko will always be a part of our lives.” Lili wrote to her cousin: “How did we become such great children? … We lost a cousin, friend and brother. All we have to do is ensure that we will continue in the adult world to preserve this togetherness that will be devised from different worlds and in every step and experience you will take part in our heart, our lives and our memory. “Many articles appeared in the print and electronic media, Local “, Liat Kravitz brings the words of the friends who gathered at his home:” Idit says: if there is something that characterized Koko is that he is a very sociable person. He had a lot of friends, different age groups and different schools in the city. “Neta: In my eyes, he was kind in the classic sense of the word, and he always had the willingness to help, without limits, at any time, in big and small things.” Dina: Koko always took care of us in his vacations to unite us through joint exits and meetings. A year after his fall, soldiers of the November 9th Brigade wrote to the Sufa Battalion: “… Thank you that we were privileged to serve alongside a man, a soldier, a commander and a friend like you, a special person but modest enough not to stand out in his uniqueness. A soldier who loved the homeland and saw in the civil service as a right and not a duty, a commander who did not say ‘I did’ but ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘the team’. A commander who said ‘Follow me, Ozzie,’ and did everything he had to do. Moses, you were a true friend, a friend who was a friend of evil, the cornerstone of your personality. A thousand thanks to you for the friend you were to us, who in his own way, the special, the quiet and the humble, connected us all among the members of the company: religious, secular, northern, southern, and from all corners of society. You were the center of the heart of this friendship, friendship that initially had many ends and all of them formed into one society, thanks to you Moshe. “Moshe’s father wrote:” … you did not share your suffering with this difficult service. We were more worried when you were in freedom, and slept well when you were in service. You were an expert to bring us to a state of tranquility and calm even though you did not sleep for days and days and did not leave a few days from the tanks. You have kept all these things in your heart. We saw your greatness only after your death. “Your good friends do not leave your room, in fact, after your death, they grew up in one fell swoop, and with your social work and cohesion, you managed to bring them to this day … You come back to us with the inspiration that you are with us. For us, because of your actions, you are always alive. ” Many commemoration activities were performed in memory of Moshe: Every year, on the anniversary of his downfall, after his grave, an evening was held in his memory with the participation of family members, friends and acquaintances, and lecturers from various fields. Each year the evening focuses on another aspect of Moshe’s life. In his memory, an active Beit Midrash was established, named after him – “Zichron Moshe”. A Torah scroll was written in his memory. A library was named after him in Rehovot. His mother has set up a costume fund that is active all over the country, and his sister sends 6,000 Sabbath candles to his memory. Every Friday Moshe’s friends arrive at the family home and raise his memory.

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