Peled, Danny

Peled, Danny

Danny, the eldest son of Yael and Haim, was born in Tel Aviv on October 5, 1943. During his high school years he was active in the Gadna Air and the Hashomer Hatzair movement, . Besides, he loved painting and learning the history of painting. He also delved into his free time in the history of the “state in the making.” Together with his nucleus from the movement, the Reshef nucleus, which was supposed to complete Beit Nir, enlisted in the Nahal Brigade after serving a period of twelve years in Ein Hamifratz. After completing basic training, he was assigned as a platoon commander in a Nahal unit, and after completing his regular service, he served as a reconnaissance officer in a reconnaissance company. During the Six-Day War, Danny participated with his unit in battles in the West Bank. During his regular service in the army, Danny met Hannah, an officer from the Beit Hashita school, and they decided to build their home in Beit Hashita, where their son was also born. Ran was born in 1969. Danny worked in fish farming, the beehive, and even teaching at the local school, where he completed his studies at the Tel Aviv University. While working at Rafael, he continued to study at the Technion for a master’s degree in physics, and began his research on a system for measuring dynamic distortions by means of an indirect picture of a lattice. He felt that he would not be at peace with himself if he remained with his unit in the quiet sector, and decided to join the paratroopers, whose members feared for his life, but felt that Danny had no other way And no one dared to stop him, Danny went north, pleading with his friends They agreed to join him, and at last agreed to his entreaties and attached him to their crowded vehicles as a simple soldier, even though he was an officer, such as Danny, a man of friends, loyal to his parents and his friends. Keren-Or, each of his friends was sure that he was Danny’s best friend, and everyone was right, because he accepted every person as he was, no one ever bothered him, he always had patience for everyone. You never knew when he was joking and when he was serious, always surprised everyone. But he was also serious and responsible. On certain subjects, he invested all his energy and interest: responsibility for the parents, love of the Land of Israel and its trips, culture and society in Beit Hashita. The name Danny said joy and goodness, activity and renewal, and within the constant movement – a firm pillar of consistent loyalty to the idea and friends. Danny means openness and faith, the ability to make unacceptable things acceptable. Only the fact of his unacceptable absence can not be changed. On October 16, 1973, Danny was killed and killed during the break-in at the “Tartur-Lexicon” intersection near the Chinese Farm, during the purification of the Tartar axis, when he served as a bezukai in the half-track. He was brought to eternal rest in the Beit Hashita cemetery. He left behind a wife and son, parents, two brothers and a sister. After his fall, he was promoted to captain. Kibbutz Beit Hashita published a pamphlet called “Pnei Heveri”, in memory of his friends who fell in the Yom Kippur War, including the words of friends and family about Danny; After a while the kibbutz published a pamphlet in memory of Danny; Rafael published a booklet containing a collection of articles dedicated to his memory, among themHis works prepared by his friends for printing, from the notes he edited with his own hands.

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