Pearlstein, Kurt

Pearlstein, Kurt

Kurt, son of Selma and Shimon Pearlstein, was born in Kassel, Germany on May 13, 1910. He was 7 years old when his father fell in World War I. In 1934 Kurt immigrated to Eretz Israel. He worked as a carpenter in 1935-1937, and worked in a hospital in Hadera, then worked for five years at Kibbutz Beit Alfa and was a member of the Haganah from the time he joined the kibbutz. Kurt was serious, honest and was respected by his colleagues. Three months after enlisting in the IDF, he was attached to a battalion infantry detachment. More than once Kurt brought his jeep to its destination under a shower of fire. During Operation Danny, our forces took control of the Modi’in area, and when the second truce came into effect, the defenders of the outpost were attacked and forced to retreat. Many were injured in the retreat, including Kurt. He fell on the 19th of Elul, September 23, 1948, and was brought to rest in Nachlas Yitzhak. He was survived by his wife, Dr. Chava, nee’ Groniman.

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