Paz, Oren

Paz, Oren

Oren, son of Tzippora and Yosef, was born on 17.9.1952 in Haifa. Oren was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces on November 10, 1970, and was assigned to the Artillery Corps, where he was disappointed that he wanted to serve in the paratroopers, but when he learned how important the artillery was, After a period of service, he was sent to an officers ‘course at the IDF officers’ school and later took part in a course for artillery officers at the Artillery Corps training base. After being granted the rank of officer, he returns to the unit in which he began his career. At first he was assigned to a forward observation officer, and afterwards the officer was assigned a gun position. Oren was a talented professional and an excellent commander, who was meticulous in carrying out orders and instructions, but knew how to be a friend and friend of his subordinates. He performed his duties thoroughly and efficiently, with peace of mind and cool temper, and he was able to inspire his soldiers with an atmosphere of peace and security in their power and ability. During the Yom Kippur War, his unit participated in the battles against the Syrians in the Golan Heights. When the braking phase was over, the artillery helped the counter-attack of our forces. In a battle that took place near the village of Jaba on October 14, 1973, Oren was hit by enemy fire and killed. He was brought to eternal rest in the Haifa cemetery. Survived by his parents and sister. After his fall, he was promoted to lieutenant.

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