Pat, Eliyahu Yosef

Pat, Eliyahu Yosef

Eliyahu Yosef, the only son of Malka and Menachem Pat was born on the 13th of Adar, March 9, 1925 in Lodz, Poland. His parents were of rabbinical origin and devoted Zionists who worked to settle the country even before the First World War, and in this spirit Eliyahu Yosef grew up. Eliyahu Yosef immigrated to Israel on February 1, 1933, completed high school, studied textile engineering, and was about to submit his studies for the degree of qualified engineer. At the outbreak of the War of Independence he was one of the first to enlist and saw in the army a school for independent living. Eliyahu Yosef served as a medic in the Alexandroni Brigade and refused to enjoy the rights of an only son. He participated in the battles of Latrun, Kakon, Migdal Tzedek and Rosh Ha’ayin. In Cacone he set up a kind of clinic on one of the hills to observe the battle and reach the wounded immediately. He was active in the cultural life of his company. His comrades in battle noted his humility and sense of humor. His slogan was: “Help the maximum and use the minimum.” Eliahu Yosef fell in the conquest during Operation Dani on the 9th of Tamuz, July 16th 1948. He was brought to eternal rest in a mass grave in Netanya’s military cemetery.

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