Pastman, Azriel

Pastman, Azriel

Son of Dina and Elimelech, was born on March 28, 1926 in Berlin, the capital of Germany. He attended the Jewish school in the city for one year and on November 1, 1933, immigrated to Israel with his parents. In Israel, he continued to study in the education system of the Workers Stream, and was known as a good student and nature lover who for years devoted himself to the care of the institution’s beehive. Azriel joined the Ha – Shomer ha – Tsa’ir youth movement. After completing his studies, he completed the mechanical frames department at the vocational school in Yagur. He was in the National Service in Kibbutz Amir and later devoted himself to the sea conquest. He began working at a ship repair plant at the Haifa port, and in the evenings he continued to study in the field of shipping, with the intention of going to the sea. From his knowledge and ability, he was hired to work as a third technician on the ship “Atid” and excelled in his work. In the ports of the ship, he would visit the homes of Jewish families and excite them for the Land of Israel, and he and his friends often bought weapons for the Haganah and brought it to Israel. When he returned home from the voyage of the ship at the end of the winter of 1948, when the country was already in the flames of the War of Independence, he went to serve, but was sent back to his vital work in the war effort. To the blood bank for the wounded in the war Azriel was ready to return to the ship to replace a friend so that he could visit his house, and on the way he was hit by an enemy bullet and fell on the 14th of Adar 5748 (March 25, 1948). was braught to rest to the militery cemitery in hadera.

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