Partok, Oron

Partok, Oron

Son of mazal and Victor (his companion). Born in Safed on July 14, 1980, brother to Guy, Ortal and Nadav, he grew up in Safed and studied at the elementary school in Ramat Gan and the six-year high school. During the elementary school period, Oron had gathered around him a group of friends, with whom he spent most of his time, sporting and playful, with a constant smile on his face. In high school, Oron joined the mechanical track. Although he did not devote much time or energy to his studies, his teachers knew that he was an intelligent child, who also absorbed and learned many materials while spending time with his friends. At the age of 14, Oron adopted him as a hobby of ATV trips in the field with his friends. At the age of 16 he issued a motorcycle license and continued to cultivate his love of hiking. In addition, he began an organized sports activity in the football and basketball teams of Hapoel Hatzafot. During his high school years, he spent most of his time working and enjoying himself, and he knew how to spend every moment available for sports or entertainment with his family and with his beloved girlfriend Naama. Before he was drafted, Oron hesitated about which unit he would choose to serve. He decided to try to be accepted into the “parachute” of the Paratroopers Brigade and passed it successfully. Oron joined the IDF as a paratrooper in March 1999. Despite his difficulties, he enjoyed his army service and completed basic training successfully, with a group of friends forming again, and he stands out among them energetically On his “normal” vacation at the end of basic training, Oron spent most of his time with his girlfriend, but included meetings with his classmates, he said, the happiest week of his life, and Oron returned to the base, On the 5th of Tammuz 5759 (5.7.1999), during an operational activity in the Jordan Valley, he was killed in a training accident Oron was killed by his parents, two brothers, a sister and a friend … Oron joined the ranks of the Paratroopers Brigade about four months ago, when he was full of willingness and will To be a warrior and to contribute his best. We, the Paratroopers’ family, will remember the beautiful and good that Oron had – his volunteerism and his will, his strong desire to cope with the pains of his feet from the journeys and the training, the good spirit that always accompanied him, We will raise and educate generations of new parachutists. “Oron’s company commander wrote:” Oron, your departure from us was a sudden blow that no one was prepared for. In a moment the face of the company changed … That cursed day, 5.7.99, marked a turning point in the lives of all the company’s fighters. You were the so-called ‘living spirit’ – always with a smile on your face and a constant ‘poison’ … “The friends wrote:” From a sea of ​​stars, you could only be seen. “And on nights of gray skies, , Which illuminated a path of joy, and / or a length of time did not know a moment of decay. / Our planet is gone / And now in cloudy skies / Everyone is looking for you in them. / And his smile remains an orphan. And today, when the sky is crying for you, We all know that they are hiding you inside / forever and ever. / Our star is gone / And now in cloudy skies / Everyone is looking for you in them / And our smile remains an orphan. “On the IDF Memorial Day in 2003, Dolev Eldad, Ron, a memorial candle for the bereaved families, dedicated the song “The Private Memorial Day” to Oron: “My private memorial day is held on many occasions, in many days and in a lot of hours.When I say ‘a tall soldier’, / you are standing in front of me at full speed. “I have a desire to talk and never tell, but the pain is heavy, / The throat settles.” / I’m inwardly converging / And I can not really talk, Memories recapture / My personal memorial day takes place on many occasions and in a great many days, / I love you forever and ever.

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