Parpara ,Chaim

Parpara ,Chaim

Son of Marima and Fergie. Born in 1946 in Gypsum, Tunisia, he began to study in an elementary school in his city, and in 1957 immigrated to Israel with his parents, brother and sister and settled in the immigrant town of Netivot. Here Haim continued his studies in the local religious school and then continued to attend the three-year agricultural high school in Gaza. Haim was drafted into the IDF in mid-May 1964. After completing basic training, he completed a course for kashrut supervisors and a cooks course, and completed a Hebrew course and a course to complete his education. In 1966, Chaim was released from regular service and began to work for the housing company “Orot Leolah.” He served in various positions and was a home for large families to improve their living conditions, and he received them warmly, with the sincere desire to help as much as he could. The latter was a storekeeper and was responsible for the Netivot branch, and Haim married Shoshana, and over the years they had four children The most prominent characteristics of Chaim were simplicity, decency, humility, and modesty, and he preceded peace for every person, in the sense that he “prefers peace to every person.” Chaim was sometimes called up for reserve duty and even wore the “Six Day War.” “I would like to continue as I was in the regular army, I am a disciplined soldier.” Even when he was transferred to a moving mortars unit, he continued to fulfill his duties as a kosher and a cook, to the satisfaction of Commanders and comrades in arms. On the 17th of Iyar 5704 (May 6, 1974), two days before he was about to finish his reserve duty, Chaim fell in battle on the Hermon. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Netivot. Survived by a pregnant wife and four sons, parents and brother. His daughter, who was born after they fell, was named Chaya, after him.

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