Panker, Shaul

Panker, Shaul

Was born on the 11th of Elul 5705 (September 3, 1960) in India. In 1969 Shaul immigrated with his parents to Israel. The family settled in Kiryat Yam. Shaul first studied at the Sinai School, and later at a boarding school in Kfar Haruah in Hadera, where he completed his studies at a boarding school in which he studied frameworks. He underwent training in basic training and was assigned to serve in the infantry. In July 1979 he was awarded the rank of corporal, and in 1981 he was discharged from the IDF and continued to fulfill his duty in reserve service. Shaul was decorated with the Peace for the Galilee. On the 22nd of Iyar 5745 (April 22, 1985), Shaul was traveling in a civilian vehicle with his brother and a friend from Karmiel to Haifa, where Shaul was killed and the two passengers were injured. Shaul was left behind by his parents, five brothers and three sisters, and his unit commander wrote in a letter of condolence to his family: “Shaul was accepted by his comrades and commanders in the unit, and was always prepared to carry out any task imposed on him, On his mission as a soldier “

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