Pahima, Avraham

Pahima, Avraham

Avraham, Mazal and Raphael, was born on January 2, 1953, in Netaim. He studied at the elementary school in Moshav Zitan and continued his high school studies at the Ramle-Lod high school in Lod, in the real-biological track. In the summer of 1971 he successfully passed the final exams. A lively child was Avi. From childhood he was interested in the phenomena of nature that were revealed to his inquisitive eyes. He used to ask questions and questions to the kindergarten teacher, his parents at home, and then his teachers at school. “Everything he wanted to know,” his teachers said, “and did not rest until he found a logical and full answer.” At school he was a diligent student and a favorite of his teachers. The educator Joshua recalled the shy smile that floated on the student’s lips and the gentleness of the boy’s soul. “Avraham was very timid, but he was impressed by his friends when he spoke, and I see him standing before my eyes, at the annual Independence Day ceremony, standing on the ornamented stage and demanding courageously. “He said, his eyes burning. Avi was active with his classmates. He participated in celebrations and parties, and did not miss a trip and a trip around the country. When his friends walked, he encouraged their spirits and made happy, humorous songs in his evening voice. He was a sports fan, “the first among the runners, the most outstanding football player” according to his friends. During his high school years, he participated in the Gadna activities: “He was connected to the country, the landscapes and its history. In his diary, written by Avraham when he was in the twelfth grade of high school, he wrote in thoughts and feelings that showed the nature of a brave, intelligent Israeli youth who knew what he wanted. “I want to be a good man, strong and strong,” he said, “I think that the failure in the flight tests For example, I want to establish a farm for me, I want to be a senior officer in the IDF, not as a clerk, but as a field officer. I will volunteer for the “Haruv” reconnaissance unit of the paratroopers. In this unit, I want to be a senior officer. “Avraham was a devoted son of his parents, a loving friend of his four brothers and two sisters:” When Avi was next to us, we knew that nothing would happen to us. In his wisdom he allowed controversy and solved complex problems. Avraham was drafted into the IDF in early August 1971 and assigned to the Armored Corps. After completing basic training he participated in a reconnaissance course and completed his training as a reconnaissance officer in the Armored Corps, and served as the commander of a patrol in the Armored Corps and was known to be a good, responsible and committed soldier in his duties, And when he came home for vacations he used to talk to his parents for long hours and asked to hear from his loved ones what happened in his absence. Already in the period of his compulsory service he began planning plans for the future, but fate ended all dreams and hopes. During the Yom Kippur War, Avraham took part in the braking battles on the Sinai front and fought as an armored patrolman. “His father’s sergeant was one of the regular soldiers who sat on the canal line and his young body blocked the surge of the Egyptian invading force. Later in the war he took part in crossing the Suez Canal into the West Bank and fighting there. When the fighting ended, Avi took part in the maintenance of the new and difficult lines in the West Bank, in patrols and patrolsIn ambushes and security, all in light of the continuous fire of the Egyptians and the difficult conditions of life. “Later, Avraham’s force was assigned to secure the breakthrough to Jebel Atka, which was of great importance to the IDF forces in the area. Avraham assisted in engineering explosions to build the road, and took part in security operations on the ground. On the afternoon of the 11th of Kislev, 5734 (December 6, 1973) Abraham was injured and killed while carrying out his duties. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. Survived by his parents, brothers and sisters. After his fall, he was promoted to sergeant. In a letter of condolences to the bereaved parents, the unit commander wrote about the work and dedication of Avi’s soul during the battles and in the period that followed. “During his service in the regular company, Avi became fond of all his friends and commanders in the unit.” Avraham’s parents commemorated his memory by setting up a memorial corner in his honor at the school in Moshav Zitan.

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