Ozeri, Haggai

Ozeri, Haggai

Son of Naomi and Moshe, was born on May 11, 1957 in Moshav Geulim. Hagai was educated at the Alshich religious school in Maoz Aviv. He completed his high school studies at the “Torah and Crafts” school in Tel Aviv, and completed it successfully, to the satisfaction of his parents and teachers. He was a member of the Bnei Akiva movement, loved people and was attentive to their feelings and needs. During his military service, Hagai saw a mission. He devoted himself to his job, and to the good of the state before his eyes. In the IDF, he was in charge of a lot of equipment, and there was a great deal of responsibility for his job, but Hagai never saw this responsibility as a burden he could not meet. Knowledge and experience already gained. One holiday Hagai returned home injured. When asked what had happened to him, he dismissed the matter. It later transpired that explosives exploded near him, and only a miracle was saved. Hagai fell during his duty on the 14th of Elul 5740 (26.8.1980), and was put to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. He left parents, a brother, and two sisters.

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