Ozen Shlomo

Ozen Shlomo

Son of Aharon and Jenny. He was born in Haifa and studied at the elementary school in Gilat. He then completed his studies at the “Eshel Hanassi” school in the name of Chaim Weizmann. Even in his youth he used to help the family’s economy and, when necessary, carried the entire economy over to his young shoulders. He was a quiet boy who worked on his studies and took responsibility for his work. He excelled in qualities of leadership, which were exhausted in his work as a guide in the young classes of high school. He was a sociable boy, accepted and involved in social life. He was a good son and loved by his parents, who trusted him in everything: Shlomo was drafted into the IDF in early April 1968 and volunteered to serve in the navy. He excelled as a dedicated soldier with an excellent profession and also a devoted and good friend. He was modest and humble and did not boast that his father was a member of the Knesset and deputy minister in the State of Israel, and he was proud to read that his father was about to leave the political activity and return to farm work. And took a central place there. Once, when he was supposed to go on vacation, he rejected her because he had wanted to do a week or two beforehand to get to know the reality of life there. Only then did he go on vacation. Many times he had volunteered to voluntarily replace friends who had been on duty and wanted to take a holiday – even though it would have taken an overnight voyage. But together with his kindness and willingness to help others, Solomon knew how to stand up for his principles and to fight for justice as he understood it. Shlomo participated in many operational tours that required a lot of responsibility. He had served as a shipmaster for two years and had never complained, even in difficult moments of arduous work. When he was transferred to land service, he applied for transfer and it was approved – and then transferred to the canal area. On May 27, 1970, Shlomo fell in a bombardment near the Suez Canal and was brought to eternal rest in the Gilat cemetery. The mayor of Be’er Sheva, the secretary of the Moshav Movement MK Uzi Feinerman, the head of the agricultural organization Avraham Hertzfeld, and the head of the Merhavim Regional Council Haviv Sharfav on the day that Shlomo fell, the old synagogue collapsed. In the moshav, the moshav decided to build a new synagogue and to call its name “Magen Shlomo” – named after Shlomo Uzan The ceremony was held in the presence of the Minister of Finance Pinhas Sapir, Chief Rabbi Shlomo Goren, , Secretary of Moshav Movement Aryeh Nechmkin and Chief Rabbi of the Moshav Movement Rabbi Menachem HaCohen. More than 4,000 people attended the ceremony. A Torah discussion was held with the participation of the Chief Rabbi of Rishon Lezion, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef and Rabbi of the Moshav Movement Rabbi Menachem HaCohen. Some 150 rabbis from moshavim took part; In the 1930s, the regional council Merhavim and the committee of Moshav Gilat published a booklet in memory of the “Cedar Shanged in Gilat, His memoirs were published in “Ma’anit”, the youth newspaper Bnei Ha-moshavim, “Talmim”, the monthly movement of the moshavim and on the first anniversary of his death – in “Davar”; A youth conference was also held in his memory, attended by students from high schools in the Negev. At the conference, Maj. Gen. (Res.) Yeshayahu Gavish spoke on the subject: “Youth missions after the Six-Day War”

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