Ozdock, Abraham

Ozdock, Abraham

Abraham, son of Esther and Aaron, was born in 1953 in Turkey and immigrated to Israel with his family in 1956. The family settled in Borgata, where he began his elementary school. After the family moved to Ra’anana, he graduated from a school in the city. Avraham and his family encountered the difficulties of absorption and adjustment typical of new immigrants. Shortly after their immigration to Israel, the father of the family died and the burden of caring for the household fell on the mother, who was taking care of four young children. After graduating from elementary school, Avraham went to work to help his mother and take part in carrying the burden and responsibility for running the house. He studied mechanics and worked in a garage in his area. Avraham was a diligent and devoted worker and his salary, which he brought home, helped support the family and made it easier for the mother. He was a good-hearted young man and loved everything. Many youths gathered around him and he served as head of the group and their teacher. His friends loved him for his kindness and willingness to help others. He was happy, cheerful, and loved life; he had around him a good and pleasant atmosphere and was surrounded by friends who loved to be with him; And his family, for whom he was a sunlightand someone to depend on. Avraham was drafted into the IDF in mid-April 1971. He was trained in a heavy truck driver’s course and was sent to serve in a heavy transport unit, and during his military service, Avraham learned much as well .In the Yom Kippur war he served as a heavy truck driver and transported ammunition to the battlefield in the Golan Heights, driving his vehicle to wereever he was sent, despite the heavy bombardments and a fierce fire, and carried out all the tasks assigned to him in recognition and knowledge that the combat forces needed the precious cargo he carried. On October 9, 1973, while driving in the Golan Heights, his truck was damaged And he was killed, brought to rest in the Kiryat Shaul cemetery, left behind a mother and three brothers and sisters, and was promoted to the rank of sergeant. In his letter of condolences to the bereaved family, the unit commander wrote: “Avraham served in our unit as a driver, , Dedicated, responsible, loyal and willing to help at all times. He was a link in the IDF’s bravery chain and thanks to many of us who have won life. “

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