Oved, Mordechai (Moti)

Oved, Mordechai (Moti)

Ben Paradisi and Israel. Born on 20.9.1971 in Be’er Ya’akov, to a family of five, Moti studied at the elementary school of Aleph in Beer Yaakov and at the ORT school in the Israel Aircraft Industries, specializing in computer equipment and computerization. Moti was an electrician, and during the short period of his enlistment, Moti worked as a tour operator, and it was important for him to help support his family. He underwent general training, was stationed in the air force and went to an aircraft armament course at the Air Force Technical School. At the end of the course, Moti was stationed at Tel Nof Air Force Base. After a period in his new position, Moti applied for a transfer to a parachute unit. On the application he wrote: “I want to volunteer for the Paratroopers Unit and feel that I am contributing to the army as a parachutist or as a combat soldier.” Since he completed a course in the technical school and his work in the unit was essential, his request for transfer was not accepted. On Motzei 5771 (18.6.1991) Moti fell in the line of duty and died in a traffic accident near the Bilu intersection, on his way from the unit to his parents’ home. He was laid to rest in the military section of the cemetery in Beer Yaakov. Survived by his parents, two sisters – Merav and Yafit, and two brothers – Avi and Rotem. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the unit commander wrote: “Moti did his job admirably and at a high level … He was a dominant figure in the unit, always with a smile on his face … He loved to help and volunteered for every mission …”

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