Ovadia, Georgie-Gershon

Ovadia, Georgie-Gershon

Georgie-Gershon, son of-Nusha and Yitzhak, was born on February 29, 1952, in Kfar Saba, and completed elementary school in his hometown, and Georgi’s father died in a car accident, leaving behind him Georgie, who was very attached to his family and was well aware of his mother’s difficulties, enlisted from an early age to help support the family and the education of his brothers and sisters, and in fact was for a long time the sole breadwinner of his family. He took on hard work, part-time work and seasonal work, to help as much as possible in maintaining the family, and worked in the packing house “Niva” in Kfar Saba, where he lived. George was drafted into the IDF in April 1971. He was assigned to the Artillery Corps after a training period, and due to his family’s difficult situation, Georgi was called for only four and a half months of regular service, so that he could support his mother and brother. After being discharged from regular service, he continued to work in seasonal jobs in packing houses, and devoted most of his salary to supporting his large family, and during the Yom Kippur War he was sent with his unit to the Sinai front and participated in the effort Containment of IDF forces. On the 13th of Tishrei 5734 (October 13, 1973) Georgi was active in the Tasa area. The area was bombed by the enemy planes and it disappeared. After two weeks of searching he was declared missing, and after another week, a week of expectations and expectations, his family received a notice that he had been declared missing. Only seven months later his body was returned and he was brought to eternal rest in the Kfar Saba cemetery. Survived by his mother and five brothers and sisters. After his fall, he was promoted to corporal.

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