Otelsberg, Dov

Otelsberg, Dov

Son of Silva and Joseph, was born in Berlin, the capital of Germany, to parents of traditional Polish origin, who studied in a Jewish school and joined the Brit Scopus movement, which merged with the Young Maccabee. After an unsuccessful immigration attempt, he was sent by his movement to the hachshara, where he arrived in Israel in 1939. Dov joined a group of shifts, where he spent two years and was one of the best workers in the field of floriculture. In 1941 he arrived in Ma’aleh Hahamisha and was recruited to the Nutras, which he was active in security matters, and with the group to Hadera he married a wife and moved with her To the village of Ruppin, but after a year they returned to their group in Hadera, went with her to the land and established Kibbutz Gezer, where he worked mainly in the field of security and was responsible for the police station. Member of the kibbutz security committee. During the War of Independence he passed the first clashes as commander. Gezer was located next to the Ramle-Latrun road, and the Legion forces in the area saw it as a threat and asked it to be taken in preparation for the approaching truce. On Tuesday, June 10, 1948, an enemy force, consisting of a Legion Company, organized irregular and armored forces, attacked the kibbutz, and the enemy’s heavy fire destroyed the defensive positions and paralyzed any possibility of organized resistance. He fell in this battle and was brought to rest at the cemetery in Gezer.

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