Ostrogorsky, Chana-Leah

Ostrogorsky, Chana-Leah

Daughter of Berta and Hermann. She was born in 1915 in the town of Niesa, Upper Silesia, Germany to an assimilated family. Under the influence of the town’s rabbi, she approached her uncle and her people. At the age of sixteen she moved to Breslau where she joined the Zionist youth movement Habonim and Hechalutz. While abroad she underwent agricultural training in Leipzig and Berlin. In 1937 she immigrated with a group of German immigrants to Eretz Israel and joined the Kinneret group. After the outbreak of World War II, she enlisted in the British Army’s auxiliary force and was sent to service in Egypt. On the 3rd of Tammuz 5704 (3.7.1944) she died in an accident and was laid to rest in Alexandria. She assumed a husband and daughter. Her name was immortalized in a “bundle of letters” – Bulletin of the Histadrut; A booklet in memory of the colony of Kinneret and the Hebrew soldier’s magazine. Her resting place in Alexandria-Hadera. Zion Tomb 6E14 Unit Auxiliary Territorial Service Rank Private.

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