Osia, Miriam

Osia, Miriam

Was born on July 27, 1928, in Alexandria, Egypt, when she was four years old and immigrated to Israel with her parents and her family settled in Jerusalem Miriam studied at the Kol Israel Haverim elementary school in Jerusalem and completed her studies at the school She was a member of the “Scouts” movement, and after completing her studies she went to serve in Beit Hashita and Ein Gev, joined the Palmach and served in the Yiftach Brigade. With the brigade, Miriam participated in the siege of Safed, worked in Sha’ar Hagai and in Tzrifin, and was eventually transferred to the Negev. After one of the decisive battles two dear friends fell out of her group, she wrote to the survivors: “This is terrible, but thanks to him, victory was achieved, which is not only an important victory over a city, but a demonstration of power.” On the 9th of Tishrei, 5709 (9.10.1948), she fell in Hod, near Dorot, at the time of the bombardment (together with her friend Lila daughter of Dr. Dov Yosef) and was buried in Dorot. On the 19th of Tammuz 5710 (22.6.1950) she was transferred to eternal rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem

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