Oshinsky, Yehuda

Oshinsky, Yehuda

Yehuda, son of Greta and David Oshinsky, was born on May 1, 1926 in Breslau, Germany. In July 1936, at the age of ten, he immigrated to Israel with his parents who settled in Jerusalem. On the 7th of Adar 2, 5708 (18.3.1948), Yehudah left Jerusalem in a convoy of 6 trucks that made their way to Kfar Etzion, where the truck carrying Yehuda was equipped with wireless devices. The radio drew the enemy’s attention, the truck was hit and all the wheels were pierced. The commander decided not to abandon the car and the wireless devices, and all attempts to rescue the truck by another truck from the convoy failed. Then the vehicle was opened and two of its passengers tried to shoot. After encountering Arab rioters and mechanical problems, it became clear that they could not help their trapped comrades. There were about 60 fighters in Hartuv and there was concern that the place itself would be attacked. Aid was needed from Jerusalem, but it was too late to arrive. Yehuda Oshinsky remained alone. He reported that the Arabs were already in the range of throwing grenades and said he was smashing the radio and the Molotov cocktails and the remaining grenades would ignite and detonate the car on its devices and bodies. A few hours later, when the Palmach arrived, they found the car and the burned bodies, including Yehuda’s body, and he was laid to rest in the Sanhedria cemetery. On 13.9.1951 he was put to rest at the military cemetery at Har-Herzl in Jerusalem.

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