Oronsi, Guy Irie

Oronsi, Guy Irie

Ben Gavriel and Chaya. He was born on September 8, 1988 in Jerusalem. Brother to Ro’i and Daniel. He was six when he moved with his family to live in Ashkelon, where he bought his education. He did his first and sixth grades at the Neve Dekalim elementary school, went on to grades 7-10 in the “Makif Aleph” high school, and completed his studies at Tel Aviv High School. Guy loved football very much and joined the Hapoel Ashkelon soccer team. He continued to play until the age of seventeen, and in one of the seasons even won the title of “outstanding player”. Music – of all kinds – was an inseparable part of his life, as were the friends with whom he spent a lot of time. On 23 November 2006, Guy enlisted in the IDF, and after his struggles fulfilled his dream of serving as a combat soldier in the Golani Brigade, he was proud of his uniform and his battalion – Battalion 13 – “Honor” – he used to say about his company, Guy was fond of surfing the Internet, and during his short vacations, he made sure to visit the regular sites through which he kept in touch with friends. “A little about myself” on the website “Linked to Israel’s social network,” he described himself on his personal page with a lot of humor: “Things you like best to do: get out on Sunday from the base, Stay there for two years … Body art: Hidden tattoo. Level of physical activity: Very active. I would like to meet: Kavban / Society I am associated with: ‘Assisted 13’ – ‘Never Walk Alone’ Favorite Books: Algebra Part 2: Golani ‘Special things I’m looking for: Certificate of release Mainly Clothing / Fashion Style: Most of the time Green My animals: Brown cap … Names of singers and bands: All everything Favorite activities: To smoke and talk on the phone in the guard. “During his service, Guy participated in operational activities and training in the Golan Heights, Nablus, Gaza and Hebron. He often faced dangers, but he was not afraid and tried to avoid worrying about his parents. His friends testify that he was loyal to the way he believed in it, and every task he was assigned was performed wholeheartedly. “Oronsi – the class’s flunk,” they called him, and it was no coincidence that in April 2008 he received the title of “Outstanding Soldier of the Regiment” and was raised to the rank of sergeant. Guy had countless plans for the future. He knew where he wanted to work, what he would learn, and planned how to achieve the goals step by step. But fate had other plans, and his dreams were not fulfilled. Guy fell during his service on August 1, 2008, in a terrible road accident that occurred on Highway 1 near Ben Gurion Airport Bridge, at the age of 20. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Ashkelon, leaving parents and two brothers. In April 2009, the auxiliary company of the 13th Battalion of the Golani Brigade held an evening in memory of Guy, who was a member of the Golani Brigade. Of Guy, during which they married and reminisced, and the friends gave Guy’s family a special album in which they supported Davar Guy’s friend, Heli, sings a song she wrote in memory of his beloved singer Rianna: “It’s a story that happens … It’s hard to tell / about a love that disappeared / In that accident / A hard memory / Sad to imagine you Without You This Love Does not Happen / Now It’s Disappeared / I Have Nothing To Give / Everything Else It’s Just / You Can Throw To Garbage / Enough With All This / No Where To Go / It’s Needless / Want To Get Back There //My love will come back / I’m tired of everything / I’ve already broken my heart / The whole day passes me / The same picture / It’s so hard to digest it / What else will be / It’s sad for me to imagine you going / Without you This love / I have nothing to give … //, Guy, how is it / that you are not here with me / How I cry / Because you are not there / Come to me and … / Stay together // Please come back / I do not have Force! “It was an evening when there was crying and laughter, but it mainly gave us a feeling of calm, because in the days before … Guy was with friends who loved him, Who appreciate him, high-quality friends whom he loved very much, such an inexplicable friendship. “In memory of Guy, a website was created, to which many pictures of his various stations, farewells, etc. were posted: http: //guy-oronsaye.ad-olam. Guy’s mother wrote: “You think and remember all the time about past events … How when you were born the doctor asked if I had a bag for a school, big and beautiful … 4,330 kilograms … How did you love the baby to go to the ‘ In Jerusalem and climb there … and the pacifier who went with you everywhere until he fell into the yard … your first girlfriend in the kindergarten, daughter to … the transition to Ashkelon … the first day at school, how excited … how each year towards Purim was hair dyed white blond … but only for a few days … How in the tenth grade you just decided that you do not go to school … And nights will not sleep and finally we will find the solution … the soccer training and games that Dad accompanied you and encouraged you. .. your love for your friends here in Ashkelon … the Gadna Week with Tel Aviv High School, from which you returned ‘poisoned’ and only ‘Golani’ in the head … and the dream that was realized: ‘Golani!’ .. the trips I loved so much in your company that you would tell and tell To the experiences in the army, to the friends … how much you loved being in Gaza – when you arrived there you said: ‘At last I am defending the house’ … about the friends you knew in the army and so much appreciation and love … So you knew what you were doing in the future … the insights you reached about your past, your present and your future, and why the hell am I? Can not tell about your dreams and start them with ‘I remember’ … You’re so missing! ” “Just remember him as he was, not afraid to work hard, not afraid to do what he needs, not afraid to be diligent, always to help – even if he is alone.” People like Guy invented the expression ‘power’ And I wish that each of us had the power that this child had, and I will never forget how he could have remained calm and peaceful in the worst and most difficult situations, and to take everyone else behind him. “When we started basic training, I knew two of your moods – quiet and closed when time allowed, and when there was a mission – you would jump on it like a panther.” I remember how the commanders admired you in Shavuot, And knew how to give a job when everyone was already in. When we went up to the old school and returned from a battalion commander’s course, I got to know another guy. Opens like a flower to all the members of the department, and soon we learned to get to know you in depth. After we have already been connected as a department, you have undoubtedly become one of its leaders. Everyone had fun working with you, both the commanders and us. The atmosphere was always right, and I connected them all like glue … I will never forget you … I love you, my brother, “Roi wroteLecca: “Dear brother … Everywhere we went with you, in training or in battle, I always trusted you with my eyes closed … I knew that you would always be there … You do not need to mention the incident with your longing, That you are not with us in the heart of my brother, and there is no day that you are not mentioned in these and other ways … … protect us from there, from heaven … love you, dear brother, and miss you. ” Menashe wrote: “You were a good friend, you always knew how to make us laugh at the right time – the funniest person in the ward … When we were all demoralized we knew that only you could get a smile out of us … In Gaza – as a warrior and as a friend, I love you a lot, always be with me. ” “You were a soldier that every commander wants, a friend that every person wants, and from the stories that your family tells, you were also a child that every mother and father yearns for,” wrote Yossi Daniel, a member and commander of the patrol unit. Special, are felt to this day as if you are still with us. ” “You can not forget the laughs (and seriousness), the tension (and professionalism), the smallest things (which are really great),” said Kobi, commander of Guy’s class and a friend. Who made you who you were – the person you can rely on with your eyes closed, the person who helps in the difficult moments, the person everyone wants as a friend, all we have left is to learn from you and follow your path. Guy’s aunt wrote: “Just as you became a talented youth – in every sport you touched – to a strong man, handsome and excelling as a proud Golani soldier, his life was cut in seconds … We miss you all, even if it is difficult for any of us to say this in words . ” “I heard that you are really standing at the gate / and that every innocent person can live in the forest / and I heard that this heart will not die either. Imagination will sign a peace agreement with reality / All sounds will be another simple song. . ” “Like a tree planted / known erect / A strange wind / Its roots are barren / The tree has grown over the years / Climbing climbed The clouds touched / produced fruit in the shade of the branches as a natural way // And like the tree grows Man / / God is Nathan and only God will take / You are my friend and brother … Misses // And like the tree grows man / his inheritance wants like everyone / God gave and only God will take / you me friend and brother … miss. “In my head, a song and a singer are playing, in a broken voice, singing how there is nothing but longing … How does it suddenly take on a different meaning? Words have tremendous power, and as if they are penetrating my soul. I have been told and told about you since you left, and I, on the other hand, do not understand how to absorb this sweet and sweet information, which unfortunately turned out to be just like you were, a child whose words were never a big deal for him, To hear you, you were not a child of many words, but more than a man who sums up in a single word, now that makes sense, because you spoke a little and did a lot, but you did not talk much about what you did either. I still have the same song in my head, and the singer, in a broken voice, sings how there is nothing but longing, the song is playing and all I can do is agree with the author, the head agrees, but the heart is crying. ” Yair Lapid’s “Life Is Not Loved” list was an inspiration for the eulogy that the parents wrote: “Our gosh, it’s not true that life goes on, they always say that sentence and it’s never true, when someone died, your life, as you knew it, ended. The familyYou’re still yours but it’s different, your parents are different, the order in which you sit around the table, the way we remember the school period, the football period, adolescence, recruitment, the games with Roy and Daniel, the music you loved so much, – and of course the combat military that became a memory album. It’s not true that life goes on. … Whenever you sad everyone jumps to cheer you up, and you have no way of telling them that you do not want a support group, but rather be an hour quietly under the blanket. It’s not true that life goes on. Even you do not continue to be the way you were. You are the one who died. … Even your past is edited, every time you tell how you did something together, you’re debating whether to call it ‘my son’ or ‘my late son’ or ‘his memory for blessing’ or just a guy … Sometimes you just take it out of the story, Everyone is embarrassed (usually not!). Here and there you meet someone who has not been in touch for a long time and he asks for his safety, and you say that he is no longer with us, and of course you have to reassure him by telling him that you learn to live and life goes on … It’s not true that life goes on. Guy’s friends memorialize him on Facebook, where they reminisce about friends from the army, school, and elsewhere, http://www.facebook.com, under the name “Guy Irie Oronsi” “He said.

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