Oron (Orbach), Giora

Oron (Orbach), Giora

Son of Shmuel and Yonah. He was born on 17 August 1937 in Jerusalem, where he studied at the Katznelson Elementary School, then at the Brandeis School, and from there he moved to the “Amal” vocational high school where he graduated. Giora was known in Jerusalem as a basketball player and for many years belonged to the Hapoel team in Jerusalem when it was in the national league. He joined the IDF in 1955. After completing his army service in 1955, he continued to serve in the army in Jerusalem, where he worked until his death in 1959. During the Six-Day War, Giora served as a lieutenant in the reserve brigade that conquered Umm Kataf, He served as an operator in the Suez Canal area on January 1, 1970, when he fell in a bombardment in the area of ​​the Suez Canal. He left a wife, a daughter, and two sons. Was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. In a condolence letter written by his commander in the family, Giora said: “Giora was a friend and friend of all of us, devoted, serious and smiling on his face, and at every time he was an influential and unifying factor. We had many opportunities to get to know Giora: in the battalion, on the pre-Six Day War alert, in the war itself, in exercises and in operational employment – and never failed, we always enjoyed his presence, his dedication and his efficiency. To Sinai, to fortify the border on the canal line and there he died. “

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