Olitsky, Shlomo (Nello)

Olitsky, Shlomo (Nello)

Son of Anna and Aaron. He was born in January 1925 in Braila, Romania. In 1946, at the age of 21, he immigrated to Israel on his own and lived in the lower city of Tiberias, and at the outbreak of the War of Independence he enlisted, served in the Carmeli Brigade and was later assigned to the Oded Brigade, , Kibbutz members and kibbutzim, as well as soldiers who completed their recruitment process. The new brigade was given responsibility for the eastern Upper Galilee. With the resumption of fighting at the end of the first truce, Operation Brosh was carried out to destroy the Syrian bridgehead in the Mishmar Hayarden area. The fierce battles in this area fell on Tuesday, July 10, 1948. Two weeks later, during the second truce, the bodies were collected from the battlefield and buried in the military cemetery in Rosh Pina

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