Okashi, Yoav (Yoavi)

Okashi, Yoav (Yoavi)

Son of Zakaria and Mazal was born on the 1st of Kislev 5702 (1/12/1940) in Rehovot, where he completed his studies at the Moriah Elementary School, where he was a member of a large family. In order to help support the family, he worked in agriculture and in a paper factory, and during his free time took part in activities organized at the Gadna Club in the city. Yoav was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in mid-May 1959, and after basic training he was assigned to the Artillery Corps, where he studied several subjects, including a warehouse clerk and a truck driver, and he fulfilled his duties to the satisfaction of his commanders loyally, efficiently and thoroughly. He was assigned to reserve duty and was sometimes called up for reserve duty. For his livelihood Yoav worked as a locksmith. After a short while he married his girlfriend Bruria. Their daughter, Irit, was born in 1967. Doron was born in 1968, and Ophir was born in 1971. After Ophir was born, Yoav was accepted as a member of Egged, but did not enjoy his life for long. Yoav died during reserve service on September 8, 1975. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Rehovot, leaving behind a wife and three children, parents, three brothers and two sisters, in a letter of condolences to the bereaved family. Yoav served as a loyal, devoted and decent friend. He was popular with his friends and commanders. I am appalled at the disaster that has come upon you and on us as thunder. Where Yoav will be engraved in the hearts of us all. “

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