Ohayon, Amram – Amnon

Ohayon, Amram – Amnon

Son of David and Joy. Born on 18.10.1958 in Gan Yavneh, he studied at Achdut Elementary School in Ashdod and continued his studies at the Ashdod Comprehensive High School, where Amnon was a diligent and disciplined student and liked his teachers and friends The class teacher says: “Amnon stood out in his clarity of thought and in his efforts to be precise and to clarify the incomprehensible to the end. He had a rich and colorful language, which drew a great deal from the many books he read and from the broad culture and education he had acquired. “The teacher of mechanics adds:” Amnon was one of the most diligent students and most diligent at work. “When he needed help, he avoided turning to others and preferred to solve his own problems.” From childhood, he loved the sea and when he grew up he participated in competitions and games. Who spent many hours on the seashore collecting seashells and watching the waves, Amnon was an ardent sports enthusiast and participated in tennis and basketball games as part of the Elitzur youth and youth teams. Of “Hapoel.” Amnon loved the landscape and nature, according to his friend: “He was sensitive “He was interested in electronics, and when he was 13, he joined a special electronics course that lasted for two years: he was an active social man and his house was always full of friends who enjoyed spending their free time with him. Amnon was drafted into the IDF in January 1977 and assigned to the infantry. He was sent to basic training in the Golani Brigade and was proud to have served in such an elite unit. He stood well in his hard training, overcame all the obstacles and was about to finish basic training. During his vacations, he used to spend time with his friends and inspire a good and pleasant spirit on his family. As his friends testify: “A vacation with Amnon was always a wonderful and enjoyable vacation.” On the 17th of Tammuz 5737 (14.7.1977) Amnon fell in the line of duty. Was brought to eternal rest in the military section of the Ashdod cemetery. Survived by his parents and brother. His parents set up a library of encyclopedias in his memory at the Ashdod High School, where he studied. His family also donated holy books to a synagogue in Ashdod, to commemorate his memory.

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