Ohayon, Aharon (Uri)

Ohayon, Aharon (Uri)

Son of Esther and Abraham, was born on 27.11.1959 in Haifa. The Ohayon family lived in Tel Hanan near Haifa, where Aharon (Uri) studied at the Yeshurun ​​elementary school and continued at the Nesher vocational school. When Aharon was drafted into the IDF, he was placed in an Armored Corps and served as a mechanic and a rescue mechanic, while Uri served as a mechanic and a rescue mechanic. After he was released, he began to work in his profession, a car mechanic, first at Egged and then at the car rental company “Avis.” One day Uri received a sum that could have helped him buy a rescue vehicle and open a private business for towing and rescue. Before he succeeded in realizing his plan, he was called up for reserve service in Lebanon On one of these patrols, in the area of ​​Ein Zahlata, a fire was fired from the ambush towards the patrol, from which Aharon (Uri) was wounded and died on the 17th of Sivan 5743 (29.5.1983) and was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Haifa. Left behind his parents, brothers and sisters, and his family donated a Torah scroll to the “Kiryat Amos” synagogue in their neighborhood

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