Ohana, Asher

Ohana, Asher

Ben Zohary and Abraham. He was born in Dimona on October 18, 1968. The eldest son of a family of six children. Who grew up in his hometown, studied in the religious elementary school “Alfasi” and in the religious high school “Appelman”, with a view to mechanical frameworks. Who was not inclined to the subject he had studied, preferred theoretical studies. One of his hobbies was sports. He stood out as a football player at Hapoel, Dimona. He was sturdy, broad-shouldered, and handsome. With his smile, his politeness, his kindness, and his respect for others, he became fond of his surroundings. In his parents’ home he was brought up to love a man, love his family, and love his country and his city. In May 1987 he was drafted into the IDF, and at the end of basic training he was assigned to serve as a tank mechanic. Who was a professional corporal and was promoted to the rank of Corporal, who married Rebekah, and together they built their home in Dimona and embraced the daughter of Shiran, who worked for the Dimona Municipality and worked for the Hapoel team in his city. On the 4 th of August 1994 Asher was called to reserve duty for one day, and he drove to the center of the country on his way home on the Be’er Sheva-Dimona road, and was killed in a car accident. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Dimona, leaving behind a pregnant wife, daughter, parents, three brothers – Michael, Yaakov and Shlomi, and two sisters – Anat and Simona After his death, his daughter, Osher, was born in a letter of consolation to the family: “He served in my unit for about four years. All along, we knew him, his manners and his pleasant ways. His behavior was a symbol in our unit. All his thoughts and concerns were given to his family. “Asher, a senior player in the soccer team, said of him in his eulogy:” Asher was a fifteen-year-old. Be humble and a true friend. The opposing players gave the referee an earful when he only gave him the lead. “His family commemorated the donation of a Torah library to the synagogue in Dimona. In addition, a new Torah scroll, written in his memory, was added to the” Alfasi “synagogue in the name of Rashbi.

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