Ofer, Yitzhak

Ofer, Yitzhak

Yitzhak, son of Chava and David, was born on February 29, 1948, in Haifa. Yitzhak was drafted into the IDF in August 1966 and volunteered for the Israel Air Force, where he completed a pilot training course, served in the Air Force’s combat squadron, served as a flight instructor, and became a captain. Who was absorbed in the home of his father, found his place and felt great satisfaction in the military and the air force, which for him was a whole world: “When I am in the air, I feel as if I am in another world, in a world of elation.” And he was full of satisfaction and pride at being chosen to operate IAF fighter planes, some time before the war began In the Yom Kippur War, Yitzhak fought as a pilot on a Skyhawk and embarked on many operational missions on October 11, 1973. He was hit and killed in the battle of the skies of Ramat He was brought to eternal rest in the Kiryat Shaul cemetery and left behind a wife, daughter, parents and brother

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