Nudelman, Lila

Nudelman, Lila

Daughter of Jacob and Luba. She was born on May 5, 1932, in Odessa, in the Soviet Union, in a family that secretly kept the Jewish flame burning. When the Holocaust came to the Jews of Odessa with the German invasion, she managed to reach the fourth grade of an elementary school there. In 1942 her father, who served in the Red Army, fell and she and her mother managed to escape from the murderous invaders. After the war they managed to obtain a permit to “return” to Poland as refugees returning to their homeland. After her mother’s marriage and her departure with her husband to Germany, Lila joined a pioneering training group and set out on her escape route through the Czech Republic and Austria to Italy. After further training and study, the group qualified for Eretz Israel, and in 1947, after a year in the camps in Cyprus, was allowed to immigrate to Israel with a group of youth and continued its training in the settlement nucleus in Ramat David. At the beginning of the War of Independence, she joined Nahal, and after the liberation of the road to the Negev, she went with the nucleus to a settlement and to guard the border in the Tze’elim group in the Be’er Sheva region. ), Ten days after seeing her mother, who had meanwhile made aliya to Israel at night at the border guard, was hit by a hand grenade thrown at her. She was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak. In 1963, a grove was planted in its name in Tze’elim.

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