Novkin, Joshua

Novkin, Joshua

Yehoshua, son of Paula and Joseph, a Holocaust survivor, was born on December 24, 1953, in Tel Aviv. He studied at the Herzl State School in Yehud, and later completed his studies at the vocational high school in Yehud. Joshua – “Shuki” by all – was diligent student, alert and intelligent, and loved his teachers and friends. He was a man of action, blessed with good reason, and wherever he reached, he succeeded. There was no professional-technical field in which he did not succeed, without much effort. He excelled in craftsmanship, nature, and agriculture – professions where his skills in practice and creativity were evident. He was very active in the school and at the youth center in Yehud, and spent most of his spare time in various activities, especially in the field of sports, and he was a fan of light music and chants. Joshua was tall, his golden hair always combed, his gaze calm and relaxed, his face smiling, he was friendly and cheerful, a pleasant conversationalist, and a beloved friend of his age and even adults. He was by nature humble and modest, and he could listen to his elders and take into account their opinions and his opinions He was a loyal and devoted son to his parents, and after his father’s death, he became a major supporter of his mother and took care of all her needs: After completing his high school studies and before he was drafted into the army, He volunteered for one of the Paratroopers’ tours, and before he was drafted into the army, he was careful to nurture his physical fitness by running long distances Every morning. Yehoshua was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in early February 1972 and volunteered for the infantry in the paratroopers ‘paratroopers’ unit after completing basic training, When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Joshua was stationed with his unit on the Sinai front, taking part in the braking battles against the Egyptians, crossing the Suez Canal, and the battles that broke out from the western side of the Suez Canal. (24.10.1973), two and a half hours before the cease-fire came into effect, was hit in the head and killed by a sniper’s shot when he left with 18 His religion was to rescue another unit, captured in the city of Suez, and was brought to eternal rest in the Kiryat Shaul cemetery, leaving behind a mother and brother, who was raised to the rank of sergeant. His friends. “

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